Our Users
Matrix 4
Harry Potter

*Craig Shoji is Concept Artist on Thor and MagicPicker user.
*Craig Shoji was Concept Artist on Avatar. He's a MagicPicker & MagicTints user.
*Reid Southen was Concept Artist on Matrix 4. He's MagicTints user.
*Seungjin Woo created Worm design for Dune, he's MagicPicker user.
*Karla Ortiz is Concept Artist on Loki and MagicPicker user.
*Alex Broeckel is a Concept Artist on Harry Potter and MagicPicker user.
Marvel StudiosEpic GamesDreamWorks SKGSkydance

and by well-known independent artists like
Craig Mullins, Marc Simonetti, Karla Ortiz, Goro Fujita and many others!
"you are awesome."
Jordan Walker / Epic Games

read all quotes

Download panels for Adobe® software
Major News
02/04/24 — New Photoshop CC 2024 support, please update!
02/04/24 Adobe Creative Cloud MagicSquire brush group manager Photoshop CS6 Photoshop CS6 Photoshop CS5 Photoshop CS4 Photoshop CS3
Photoshop CC 2024 has updated and we have too! Please use new versions if you are on new Adobe Creative Cloud 2024 and have activation problems, it says your activation data is invalid, or the panel is blank, color wheel does not work etc.
07/26/22 Adobe Creative Cloud MixColors Photoshop color mixer Photoshop CS6 Photoshop CS6 Photoshop CS5 Photoshop CS4 Photoshop CS3 Photoshop CC 2021 support

MixColors 5.0 update!
- NEW innovative Multimix Mode. New MixColors configuration. Have more places to mix in colors - 1,2 or 4 mixing fields arranged vertically, horizontally or in a grid.
- Click to divide your huge mixing area into small ones
- Mix between mixing areas and swatches
- Quick actions
- Free scaling of swatches with a new slider!
- Long-click color Sliders display exact mixing percentage - for a better feedback
- Color History displays selection
- Select multiple swatches and create a group
- Color mixing formula improved! Mixing Engine v5.0
- Improvements, fixes, UI speeups
– Supports Photoshop 2022+, 2020, CC 2019, CC 2018, CC 2017, CC 2015, CC 2014, CS6, CC
Upgrade MixColors here...

04/09/19 MagicSquire brush group managerMagicPicker Photoshop color wheel
Anastasiy partners with Wacom to bring all our professional plugins and panels to Wacom devices through Wacom marketplace. Enjoy MagicPicker, MagicSquire and our other products on Cintiq, Intuos or Bamboo tablets!

Wacom Marketplace brings easy access to industry-leading software and services.
10/19/10 MagicPicker Photoshop color wheel 10th-12th of November. MagicPicker Photoshop color wheel will be featured in a Disney/Black Rock Studio workshop in digital panting with truly inspirational concept artist John Wallin Liberto in Brighton, UK. 3 days of the insight into his craft with the talented Art Crew at Black Rock. ..detailed info on this event.

Black Rock StudioDisneyMagicPicker
John Wallin Liberto

04/26/23 Adobe Creative Cloud MagicSquire brush group manager Photoshop CS6 Photoshop CS6 Photoshop CS5 Photoshop CS4 Photoshop CS3
What is new in MagicSquire 7.1:
- Group names scale with UI using "Scale Text" on Thumbnail Size scaler - made by recent users feedback, please keep it coming! - Improved handling of Photoshop's Spring-loaded tools - UI fixes and improvements - Still supporting Photoshop CS6, CC, CC2015, CC2017, CC2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023+New MagicSquire, the Pro agent for your Photoshop brushes

04/03/23 Adobe Creative Cloud MagicSquire brush group manager Photoshop CS6 Photoshop CS6 Photoshop CS5 Photoshop CS4 Photoshop CS3
What is new in MagicSquire 7.1:
- Fixed Huge thumbnails in Vertical List mode
- Improved Huge thumbnails display in Long and Short List modes
- Removed a random message when editing brush names with double-click
- Now correctly loading .tpl files that do not display previews before loading
- Fixed right-click menu in HUD mode on macOS and Windows
- Removed unnecessary rendering of strokes - on double-click
- Monochrome background image in Long List, Short List and Vertical List modes is now displayed correctly
- Improved Group Background Image dialog in various color themes
- Fixed a problem with HUD not opening on macOS in some scenarios
- Fixed display of size-only brushes in Long List, Short List and Vertical List modes
- Still supporting Photoshop CS6, CC, CC2015, CC2017, CC2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023+New MagicSquire, the Pro agent for your Photoshop brushes

03/14/23 Adobe Creative Cloud MagicSquire brush group manager Photoshop CS6 Photoshop CS6 Photoshop CS5 Photoshop CS4 Photoshop CS3
New MagicSquire 7.0 is here:
- NEW! Group Background Textures!
- NEW! Stroke Thumbnail Color! In 1 click!
- NEW! Superquick Favorites
- NEW! Filter By Kind/Search by Kind
- NEW! Truly Scaleable UI
- NEW! Direct import of Photoshop Brushes into MagicSquire!
- NEW! Full 2023 support
- Still supporting Photoshop CS6, CC, CC2015, CC2017, CC2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023+New MagicSquire, the Pro agent for your Photoshop brushes

02/14/23 MagicTints color correction and matching
– Fixed a rare problem with layers scaling or moving incorrectly in Photoshop after color matching
– Correctly handling all types of layers, including the ones cut outside of the document
– Improved color matching to other layers in Photoshop Document
– Better compatibility with latest Adobe updates and Photoshops CC 2022 23.3+ and CC 2023 24.1+
- much more

Get MagicTints – the 1-click color matching and color correction
02/08/23 Adobe Creative Cloud MixColors Photoshop color mixer Photoshop CS6 Photoshop CS6 Photoshop CS5 Photoshop CS4 Photoshop CS3 Photoshop CC 2021 support

MixColors 5.2 update!
- Improved color mixing formula, for some edgy colors
- In Edit Collections of groups (MixColors menu -> edit...) colors of labels on dark theme are now brighter
- Tooltips on right-click Swatch menu items
- Fixed an issue with Swatch Group visibility when adding new swatches
- Improved Chinese and Spanish translation in various parts of the UI
- Now selecting group when its swatch is selected
- Improved UI, improved dynamic color theme support
Upgrade MixColors here...

01/24/23 Adobe Creative Cloud
- Free Anastasiy’s Extension Manager 4.1 is up! Recommended by Adobe for Adobe Creative Cloud.

– Improved compatibility with latest CC 2023 updates
– Fixed messaging and greatly improved error handling
– Improved on Windows 10, 11, macOS Ventura
Install, remove and manage Adobe extensions with Anastasiy's Extension Manager
01/10/23 Photoshop CC 2020 support Adobe Creative Cloud Photoshop CS6 Photoshop CS6 Photoshop CS5 Photoshop CS4 Photoshop CS3 Illustrator CC Illustrator CS6 Illustrator CS5 Illustrator CS4 Illustrator CS3
MagicPicker 9.1 update with Realtime 💧Eyedropper Color Preview, more:
Activate Realtime Color Preview in Settings
– When activated use Photoshop Eydropper or Alt-click with other tools and MagicPicker will display
the color you picked in new color swatch
– Works with HUGE color to quickly compare old & new colors on the full panel size
* Photoshop-only feature
– Improved Traditional Color Wheel
– Fixed when Color History not updating
– Improved Scale numbers on the sliders when Slider value box was hidden
– Improved removing and re-adding Color History in the same Photoshop session
– Improved activation on Illustrator 2020 after recent Adobe updates
– Improved behavior on CS6 connected to Munsell Color Wheel
Available now for Photoshop and Illustrator 2023, 2022, 2021, 2020, CC 2019, CC 2018, CC 2017, CC 2015, CC 2014, CS5, CS6, CC
- much more
Upgrade MagicPicker — advanced professional Photoshop color wheel
12/13/22Adobe Creative Cloud Photoshop CS6 Photoshop CS6 Photoshop CS5 Photoshop CS4 Photoshop CS3 Illustrator CC Illustrator CS6 Illustrator CS5 Illustrator CS4 Illustrator CS3

New MagicSquire 6.2 (Organize brushes in colorful groups with tags, now with HUD popup and granular brush controls)
- Photoshop CC 2023 compatibility
- Improvements to Brush Spacing parameter
Upgrade MagicSquire to v6.2

New MixColors 5.1 (Enhance your painting skills with color mixing and color swatch managing)
-Photoshop CC 2023 compatibility
- Fixed a problem with one slider changing mix amount for all new Multimix fields (when long-clicking on a field)
- Fixed a problem when releasing mouse would still mix up colors after a long-click slider popup
- Performance improvements, small UI fixes
Upgrade MixColors to v5.1

New MagicTints 3.2 (1-click AI & Machine Learning granular color matching in Adobe® Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign)
- Improved compatibility with Photoshop CC 2023
Upgrade MagicTints to v3.2

New MagicRefs 2.2 (Tag, search and collect images locally. Also Rotate, Resize and Collage):
- Fixed problem with old data when switching from MagicRefs Trial to a MagicRefs full
-Photoshop CC 2023 compatibility
- Performance improvements, small UI fixes
Upgrade MagicRefs to v2.2

New MagicPicker 9.0 with a lot of new features and improvements (Professional color wheel HUD, now with Munsell support)
Upgrade to MagicPicker v9.0
11/15/22 Photoshop CC 2020 support Adobe Creative Cloud Photoshop CS6 Photoshop CS6 Photoshop CS5 Photoshop CS4 Photoshop CS3 Illustrator CC Illustrator CS6 Illustrator CS5 Illustrator CS4 Illustrator CS3
MagicPicker 9 update with 👑Munsell Color Wheel, 🍒Color History, Enter Slider Values, more:
NEW! Enter values directly in the sliders
NEW! Have a constant place for the HUD on the screen. Activated from Settings
NEW! Munsell Color Wheel - industry standard, with human perceived gamut-limiting in mind
NEW! Color History as a slider! Scalable, selectable, scrollable
NEW! Paste colors from clipboard - have a text and MagicPicker will convert it to a Photoshop foreground/background color
NEW! Make it blueish or make it warmer - use Ctrl+Shift on sliders to move the pointer slightly towards mouse cursor/new color
NEW! Change vector opacity!
NEW! All features available now for Photoshop and Illustrator 2023, 2022, 2021, 2020, CC 2019, CC 2018, CC 2017, CC 2015, CC 2014, CS5, CS6, CC
- much more
Upgrade MagicPicker — advanced professional Photoshop color wheel
10/23/22 Adobe Creative Cloud
- Free Anastasiy’s Extension Manager 4.0 is up! Recommended by Adobe for CC 2023.

Install, remove and manage Adobe extensions with Anastasiy's Extension Manager
10/12/22 Adobe Creative Cloud MagicSquire brush group manager Photoshop CS6 Photoshop CS6 Photoshop CS5 Photoshop CS4 Photoshop CS3
New MagicSquire 6.1 is here:
– Fixed a problem when creating a preset with Custom Image as brush tip/stroke – in some cases it didn’t appear
– Removed unused shortcut slots from Keyboard Shortcuts in Settings dialog
– Fixed problem with selected presets after creating a new empty Group
– When editing a brush always rendered stroke images – fixed
– Fixed a UI problem when editing a preset with square brush tip image
– Fixed issues with making a Group color black
– Fixed a problem when adding Scattering to existing preset using Update button
– Fixed UI issues on Photoshop CS5/CS6
- Still supporting Photoshop CS6, CC, CC2015, CC2017, CC2019, CC2020, CC2021, CC2022, CC2023+New MagicSquire, the compact Photoshop tool-organizing panel

09/06/22 Adobe Creative Cloud MagicSquire brush group manager Photoshop CS6 Photoshop CS6 Photoshop CS5 Photoshop CS4 Photoshop CS3
New MagicSquire 6.0 is here:
- NEW! Preview files before loading
- NEW! Custom Images for Tools/Brushes! A beautiful showcase of your tools
- NEW! TRANSPARENT HUD - a new see-through experience! Change from Settings
- NEW! Displays HUGE tooltip previews of preset texture
- NEW! Keyboard Shortcuts for previous/next in Tool History
- NEW! Edit/New Brush dialog now has tooltip explanation for each brush stroke type
- UI speedup! Works much faster using new Photoshop API
- Fixed various issues with Brush Controls
- Still supporting Photoshop CS6, CC, CC2015, CC2017, CC2019, CC2020, CC2021, CC2022+New MagicSquire, the compact Photoshop tool-organizing panel

08/16/22 MagicTints color correction and matching
– Desktop: Correctly handling “Edit In…” in Lightroom
– Desktop: Correctly handling drag’n’drop of files on MagicTints icon on macOS
– Fixed Photoshop bug: when layer was positioned vertically above document it was positioned in a wrong way after color matching
– Fixed a problem when images couldn’t be drag’n’dropped sometimes after moving groups
– Fixed problems with displaying square images in Edit Palette dialog when using Guided Colors
– Fixed EditPalette/Create Palette dialog titles
– Improved Spanish and Chinese UI localization
- much more

Get MagicTints – the 1-click color matching and color correction
06/14/22 MagicTints color correction and matching
MagicTints — quickly switch any image's colors. New-gen pro Color Matching between images... that works! Adjust Mood, bring Multiple images to the same color palette. All in 1 click!

- Guided colors - target image areas with specific colors
- Specify existing Document Layers as color reference images
- Adjust LUT strength on export
- Desktop: Batch processing! Open multiple images and color-match them all at once to the same color reference
- Smartest color correction! Accuracy on sub-pixel level. Machine Learning core handles 8K+ resolutions using fast on-GPU processing
- Supports Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign, Windows, macOS (standalone)
- Through LUT and Clipboard supports Unity, Lightroom CC, XD CC, Affinity Photo, Sketch, iOS
- uses MagicPicker UI engine for faster speeds
- much more

Get MagicTints – the 1-click color matching and color correction
04/26/22 Adobe Creative Cloud MagicSquire brush group manager Photoshop CS6 Photoshop CS6 Photoshop CS6 Photoshop CS5 Photoshop CS4 Photoshop CS3
New MagicSquire 5.5 is here:
- NEW! Speeded up! Improved performance in many scenarios, when switching tools in Photoshop
- Fixed a rare problem when Photoshop switched tool to the previous one
- Fixed a problem with Updating brushes (clicking Update in the Edit Brush dialog). It did not work sometimes, fixed
- Available now on Photoshop 2022, 2021, 2020, CC 2019, CC 2018, CC 2017, CC 2015, CC 2014, CS5, CS6, CC
New MagicSquire, the professional Photoshop brush organizing panel

03/22/22 Adobe Creative Cloud MagicSquire brush group manager Photoshop CS6 Photoshop CS6 Photoshop CS6 Photoshop CS5 Photoshop CS4 Photoshop CS3
New MagicSquire 5.4 is here:
- Now correctly saves/restores smoothing brush parameters when creating new brush from scratch
- New options to add Brush Controls/parameters for color of the brush:
* color jitter per tip (on/off)
* color jitter: foreground/background
* color jitter: hue
* color jitter: saturation
* color jitter: brightness
* color jitter: purity
- Fixed a rare problem with activation on Apple M1/macOS Monterey
- Available now on Photoshop 2022, 2021, 2020, CC 2019, CC 2018, CC 2017, CC 2015, CC 2014, CS5, CS6, CC
New MagicSquire, the professional Photoshop brush organizing panel

03/08/22 Photoshop CC 2020 support Adobe Creative Cloud Photoshop CS6 Photoshop CS6 Photoshop CS5 Photoshop CS4 Photoshop CS3 Illustrator CC Illustrator CS6 Illustrator CS5 Illustrator CS4 Illustrator CS3
MagicPicker 8.3 bimproves removing selected / L*c*h / Temperature / etc. color sliders. Better CMYK/K-Lock, more for Photoshop & Illustrator:
- Fixed problem with CMYK sliders and gradients in various scenarios
- Improved UI localization when activating panel, added link to license retrieval
- Improved activation on macOS Monterey
- Fixed: K-Lock was turning on when deleting individual C,M,Y or K sliders
– Available now on Photoshop and Illustrator 2022, 2021, 2020, CC 2019, CC 2018, CC 2017, CC 2015, CC 2014, CS5, CS6, CC
– much more
Upgrade MagicPicker — advanced professional Photoshop color wheel
02/15/22 Adobe Creative Cloud MagicSquire brush group manager Photoshop CS6 Photoshop CS6 Photoshop CS6 Photoshop CS5 Photoshop CS4 Photoshop CS3
New MagicSquire 5.3 is here:
- Fixed a problem with loading brush groups from huge (500MB-1GB+) .abr files
- Changing small values of brush parameters (size, opacity, etc) is now easier. Brush controls change slower in 0-50 range
- Improved localization
- Improved loading of HUD files in various countries (South Korea, China, Switzerland)
– Improved update checkNew MagicSquire, the professional Photoshop brush organizing panel

02/08/22 Photoshop CC 2020 support Adobe Creative Cloud Photoshop CS6 Photoshop CS6 Photoshop CS5 Photoshop CS4 Photoshop CS3 Illustrator CC Illustrator CS6 Illustrator CS5 Illustrator CS4 Illustrator CS3
MagicPicker 8.2 brings better scaling of new gradient Lab / L*c*h / Temperature / etc. color sliders. Fixed assigning of transparent colors to vector shapes, colorize multiple vector shapes, CMYK values, improved. Better CMYK/K-Lock, more for Photoshop & Illustrator:
– Fixed transparency indication on vector shapes (Photoshop and Illusrator). Now when clicking between Foreground and Background swatch transparency is displayed correctly in all scenarios
– Fixed problems with assigning transparency with Ctrl/Cmd click to colors
– In K-Locked mode color wouldn’t change in Photoshop after using Saturation/Brightness/Hue Keyboard Shortcuts – fixed
– CMYK sliders display correct values in all scenarios, when using different color spaces, RGB/CMYK document modes etc.
– Now sliders and color wheel can be accurately resized to its minimum in all scenarios
– Correctly assigns fill/stroke color to shapes if multiple selected on CC2021+
– Improved UI localization
– Available now on Photoshop and Illustrator 2022, 2021, 2020, CC 2019, CC 2018, CC 2017, CC 2015, CC 2014, CS5, CS6, CC
– much more
Upgrade MagicPicker — advanced professional Photoshop color wheel
01/04/22 Adobe Creative Cloud MagicSquire brush group manager Photoshop CS6 Photoshop CS6 Photoshop CS6 Photoshop CS5 Photoshop CS4 Photoshop CS3
New MagicSquire 5.1 is here:
– Fixed a long standing problem when panel was blank immediate after starting Photoshop
– Full support of CC 2022 – especially keyboard shortcuts
– Increased max Brush Spacing parameter to 1000, please remove Brush Control corresponding to Brush Spacing and then re-add it
– Added Chinese localization
– Fixed problems with downloading of HUD in several scenarios
– Fixed a minor issue with “x” button position on search field
– Fixed a problem with searching/tags/clearing search field with new “x” button
– Fixed problems with focused search field after clicking a brush (a conflict with Wacom & ExpressKeys)
– Fixed problem with loading .abr files with groups in various scenarios
– Fixed a problem with disappearing right-click menu on Windows
– Improved update checkNew MagicSquire, the professional Photoshop brushes organizing panel

12/21/21 Photoshop CC 2020 support Adobe Creative Cloud Photoshop CS6 Photoshop CS6 Photoshop CS5 Photoshop CS4 Photoshop CS3 Illustrator CC Illustrator CS6 Illustrator CS5 Illustrator CS4 Illustrator CS3
MagicPicker 8 update with Lab, L*c*h, HSL, Temperature Sliders, TRANSPARENT HUD:
NEW! 10 New fully cusomizable sliders in any combinations: Lab, Lch/HCL, HSL, CMYK, Color Temperature, Color Gradient, Grayscale, CIE Liv, RGB, HSB
NEW! TRANSPARENT HUD - a new see-through experience! Set up in Settings
NEW! Use Compact Mode together with HUD - have two colors visible all the time and a color wheel that appears under you cursor
NEW! Gigantic preview of the current color with ALT-clicking on the current color swatch
NEW! Reset color schemes - from MagicPicker menu
NEW! On Windows in Keyboard Shortcuts Ctrl no longer required. Now allowing F1, F2 etc.
NEW! Keyboard Shortcut to swap Fill/Stroke swatches on Illustrator (Background/ Foreground on Photoshop). Keyboard Shortcuts fully support CC2022
NEW! All features available now for Photoshop and Illustrator 2022, 2021, 2020, CC 2019, CC 2018, CC 2017, CC 2015, CC 2014, CS5, CS6, C
- much more
Upgrade MagicPicker — advanced professional Photoshop color wheel
11/16/21 Photoshop CC 2020 support Adobe Creative Cloud Photoshop CS6 Photoshop CS6 Photoshop CS5 Photoshop CS4 Photoshop CS3 Illustrator CC Illustrator CS6 Illustrator CS5 Illustrator CS4 Illustrator CS3
MagicPicker 8 update with Lab, L*c*h, HSL, Temperature Sliders, TRANSPARENT HUD:
NEW! 10 New fully cusomizable sliders in any combinations: Lab, Lch/HCL, HSL, CMYK, Color Temperature, Color Gradient, Grayscale, CIE Liv, RGB, HSB
NEW! TRANSPARENT HUD - a new see-through experience! Set up in Settings
NEW! Use Compact Mode together with HUD - have two colors visible all the time and a color wheel that appears under you cursor
NEW! Gigantic preview of the current color with ALT-clicking on the current color swatch
NEW! Reset color schemes - from MagicPicker menu
NEW! On Windows in Keyboard Shortcuts Ctrl no longer required. Now allowing F1, F2 etc.
NEW! Keyboard Shortcut to swap Fill/Stroke swatches on Illustrator (Background/ Foreground on Photoshop). Keyboard Shortcuts fully support CC2022
NEW! All features available now for Photoshop and Illustrator 2022, 2021, 2020, CC 2019, CC 2018, CC 2017, CC 2015, CC 2014, CS5, CS6, C
- much more
Upgrade MagicPicker — advanced professional Photoshop color wheel
10/19/21 Adobe Creative Cloud MagicSquire brush group manager Photoshop CS6 Photoshop CS6 Photoshop CS6 Photoshop CS5 Photoshop CS4 Photoshop CS3
New MagicSquire 5.1 is here:
– Fixed lag with Photoshop eyedropper and brush controls
– Improved UI, Scrolling, Dragging, Dropboxes and Buttons, Choosing Brush parameters for brush controls
– Fixed problems with varios Brush parameters: Spacing was turning off when set to zero, Pressure controls, Opacity & Size were turning on Scatter, fixed setting of Flow and Opacity in various scenarios
– Improved loading of very large .tpl files (~1GB)
– Improved loading groups from varios .abr files
– Fixed a problem with losing stylus pressure on some configurations
– Now pressure switches for size and opacity can be set together
– Now allowing reselect current brush if its parameters have been changed
– Fixed lag in Photoshop when Brush Controls are activated
– Improved HUD behavior in Brush Controls-only mode
– Returned round corners to HUD on Windows
– Added Spanish localization
New MagicSquire, the professional Photoshop brushes organizing panel

10/04/21 Adobe Creative Cloud MagicSquire brush group manager Photoshop CS6 Photoshop CS6 Photoshop CS5 Photoshop CS4 Photoshop CS3
New MagicSquire 5.0 is here:
- Use new Brush Controls with Size, Flow, Opacity, Hardness... or any other Brush parameters, change their colors
- Use new mini HUD to quickly tune brush parameters
- Mass-tag multiple selected Brush Presets (and Tools)
- Mass-change Stroke view of all selected Brushes at once!
- New Drag'n'drop with auto-scrolling of the presets
- Expand/Collapse all groups
New MagicSquire, the compact Photoshop tool-organizing panel

09/14/21 Adobe Creative Cloud MixColors Photoshop color mixer Photoshop CS6 Photoshop CS6 Photoshop CS5 Photoshop CS4 Photoshop CS3 Photoshop CC 2021 support

MixColors 4.1 update! WHAT’S NEW:
- Improved color extraction on complex photos
- Now correctly handles scenario when extracting color palette from effect and other layers non-image layers (won't extract).
- Better grouping of frequent Collections of Groups
- More auto Color Names now supported for more colors
- New design now even more fine tuned
- Better localization to Chinese and Spanish
Upgrade MixColors here...

MagicTints 2.4/2.5 update! WHAT’S NEW:
- NEW languages! Added UI Localization for the following languages: Chinese, Spanish
– Fixed compatibility with new Adobe Photoshop CC 2021 22.5+
– Greatly improved update process on Desktop (macOS/Windows)
Upgrade MagicTints here...

08/25/21 Adobe Creative Cloud MixColors Photoshop color mixer Photoshop CS6 Photoshop CS6 Photoshop CS5 Photoshop CS4 Photoshop CS3 Photoshop CC 2021 support

Extract Color Palette from image, Mix colors, Apply to vectors, Adjust paint amount, Collections of swatch groups, 23+ features/improvements in #Photoshop MixColors 4.0 update! Extract Color Palette from image, Apply to vectors, Adjust paint amount, Collections of swatch groups, more!
– NEW LOOK! MixColors is redesigned to attenuate current color and accent mixing
– Fine-tune the default mixing amount/paint load using new slider
– Extract color palette from any image. Just click a new button on the toolbar and specify number of colors.
– Auto-assigns human readable color names to swatches (if set in Settings)
– Assign Keyboard Shortcuts to individual swatches! (Right-click on swatch)
– Collections: Combine several groups of colors in a collection and then switch
– Saves/loads swatches to your drive. Can be backed up and synced to any Cloud
– Color history is never lost! Now saved to Settings and restored when it’s re-opened
– Clear Color History by clicking a new button
– Mix Colors of the vector shapes! (Menu -> Colorize Shapes & Text)
– Localization: Chinese, Spanish
– Supports Photoshop 2021+, 2020, CC 2019, CC 2018, CC 2017, CC 2015, CC 2014, CS6, CC
Upgrade MixColors here...

07/19/21 MagicTints
MagicTints 2.3 update! Desktop App and Adobe CC panel

– Use it together with any software: Affinity Photo, Lightroom, Sketch, Unity, GIMP, Final Cut, AfterEffects, Pixelmator. No CC subscription required. 2x faster than plugin!
– Exports LUT or images
– Brings multiple images to the color and aesthetics of existing image
– Switch lighting conditions or mood of any concept art, photo or texture
– Keep original micro-contrast, dynamic range, subtle details
– Smartest color correction ever! Accuracy on subpixel level. Machine Learning core handles 8K+ resolutions. Uses your NVidia, Apple M1 or AMD GPU
- more
Upgrade MagicTints
Read more about MagicTints – color matching in 1 click
06/15/21 MagicTints
The wait is over! New MagicTints 2 Desktop can quickly switch any image’s colors — without Adobe CC. Works on macOS and Windows. Crazy fast 1-click GPU-based Color Matching between images. Adjust Mood, bring Multiple images to the same color palette. Use with any software!.

– Use it together with any software: Affinity Photo, Lightroom, Sketch, Unity, GIMP, Final Cut, AfterEffects, Pixelmator. No CC subscription required. 2x faster than plugin!
– Exports LUT or images
– Brings multiple images to the color and aesthetics of existing image
– Switch lighting conditions or mood of any concept art, photo or texture
– Keep original micro-contrast, dynamic range, subtle details
– Smartest color correction ever! Accuracy on subpixel level. Machine Learning core handles 8K+ resolutions. Uses your NVidia, Apple M1 or AMD GPU
- more
Upgrade MagicTints
Read more about MagicTints – color matching in 1 click
04/21/21 MagicRefs
New MagicTints version 2.0 allows to create LUT from any image to color-match your document. Use LUT in video or as filter on any other image. Apply Contrast from original. Fast gigapixel color matching using GPU. Paste from Clipboard. 2-3-4 color palette matching.

– Now correctly works in the environment with two-byte characters (like Chinese)
– LUT 128x128x128 is now possible! Now correctly exports large LUTs of 64x64x64, 72x72x72, 128x128x128 etc..
– LUT generation is much faster
– LUTs are now much more precise, especially on big sizes (fixed problems with desaturation and banding)
– Now there are no limits on source image size when creating a LUT
– The GPU icon on the top is now less visible when GPU processing is disabled – to distinguish between sates
– Fixed a problem with partial color matching on AMD GPUs
– Fixed a problem with some LUTs (like 17x17x17 and 128x128x128) not opening in Photoshop and 3D/Video software

Upgrade MagicTints
Read more about MagicTints – color matching in 1 click
03/30/21 MagicRefs
New MagicTints version 2.0 allows to create LUT from any image to color-match your document. Use LUT in video or as filter on any other image. Apply Contrast from original. Fast gigapixel color matching using GPU. Paste from Clipboard. 2-3-4 color palette matching.

- NEW! Incredible speed improvement. 7x-10x faster! GPU support
- NEW! Pick an image as color reference and export a LUT with 1 click for:
Photoshop, Unity, Unreal 4, Premiere, Final Cut, AfterEffects, Lightroom, DaVinci Resolve, etc.
- NEW! Advanced color grading - apply Contrast from color reference
- NEW! Better color matching with Swatch Colors
- NEW! Paste color references from Clipboard
– much much more!

Upgrade MagicTints
Read more about MagicTints – color matching in 1 click
03/10/21 MagicRefs
New MagicRefs version 2.1 improves Pinterest boards import, fixes group color changing, Animated GIF controls improved, drag’n’drop of images, installation fixes.

– Better Pinterest downloading – now supporting international Pinterest links like pinterest.co.uk
– Fixed problem with changing group colors using Photoshop Eyedropper
– Fixed problem when Full Image couldn’t have been clicked
– Fixed a problem with displaying Animated GIF video controls
– Improved drag’n’drop images from computer to the panel
– Correctly restoring full image state on close/reopen
– Fixed rare problem on some computers with signature
– Available now for Photoshop 2021, 2020, CC 2019, CC 2018, CC 2017, CC 2015, CC 2014, CS5, CS6, CC
– even more!

Upgrade MagicRefs
Read more about MagicRefs – tag, search, collect and collage image references

If your Photoshop is slow using MagicSquire, here’s a fix! v4.5 is up. What’s new:

– Fixed a rare problem when panel was too slow or slowing down Photoshop on some Adobe CC versions
– Fixed various problems with loading of specific .tpl files
– Available now for Photoshop 2021, 2020, CC 2019, CC 2018, CC 2017, CC 2015, CC 2014, CS5, CS6, CC

Upgrade MagicSquire
Read more about MagicSquire, professional font management panel for Adobe Photoshop

02/23/21 MagicRefs
MagicRefs 2 is 🎡 packed with new features!
- NEW! Directly import Pinterest boards to groups
- NEW! Directly import Google Drive images to groups in MagicRefs
- NEW! Pan/scroll Single image with click-to-move
- NEW! Rotate enlarged Single image with new button on toolbar
- NEW! Zoom in Single image to the point with double-click on it
- NEW! Add current layer from document to the panel as an image - new button on toolbar
- NEW! Tags - assign tags to images and then filter them using Search (new button on the bottom) -
with Instant Suggestions. Filter out images that you don't need in current project, instantly.
+ Search and filter by style, type, project, workspace, team, file, type of work or any other
favorite criteria you create by yourself.
+ Searches in closed/open groups when needed.
- NEW! Collections:
+ Combine several groups in a collection and then switch
between group combinations with one click or keyboard shortcut.
NEW: Use new Collection Editor from the menu -> Collections
- NEW! Comic Strip mode now allows direct operations with images:
+ Move (click on image and drag),
+ Rotate (click on bottom-left of image and drag) and
+ Scale (click on bottom-right of image and drag)
+ The state is saved and restored for every group of images.
+ The layout can be reset to original state with new button on the bottom
- NEW! Copy Image from Clipboard to MagicSquire image now supports more image formats
+ (use MagicRefs menu -> Keyboard Shortcuts to use it)
- NEW! Added option to reset data folder location to default

Upgrade MagicRefs, reference image manager
01/12/21 Photoshop CC 2020 support Adobe Creative Cloud Photoshop CS6 Photoshop CS6 Photoshop CS5 Photoshop CS4 Photoshop CS3
MagicSquire version 4.4 brings major polishing to all recent features:
- Apple M1 support improved
- Fixed problems with brushes disappearing from HUD
- Fixed rare problem with MagicSquire data folder errors on CC 2018 and above
- Improved loading animation on CC 2021 and higher
- Minor improvements to UI here and there on CC 2021 and higher
- Switched servers, now HUD can be downloaded from China, Turkey and more countries
- Available now for Photoshop 2021, 2020, CC 2019, CC 2018, CC 2017, CC 2015, CC 2014, CS5, CS6, CC
- much more
Upgrade MagicSquire — advanced professional brush tag manager
10/23/20 Adobe Creative Cloud
- Free Anastasiy’s Extension Manager 3.6 is up! Recommended by Adobe for CC 2021.

New MagicSquire 4.3 is here:
– Improved keyboard shortcut handling in Photoshop CC 2021 and above
– Minor UI speedups
New MagicSquire, brush organizing panel for Photoshop

New MagicRefs 1.4 is here:
– CC 2021 support
– Fixed problem with international characters in image names and paths
– Fixed a problem when MagicRefs was creating empty document on start
Get MagicRefs, life is easy with reference images in Photoshop

MagicTints 1.4:
– CC2021 support
– Improved handling of trimmed layers
Get MagicTints, 1-click pro color correction and color grading in Photoshop

New MagicPicker 7.2 is here:
– Fixed problem with linking colors in some scenarios on Photoshop CC 2020 21.1+
– Fixed problem with changing background color in some scenarios on Photoshop CC 2020 21.1+
– Fixed a problem with using keyboard shortcuts on Illustrator on macOS Catalina for international users
– Better support for Adobe CC 2021
Get MagicPicker, advanced Photoshop color wheel panel
MixColors 3.2:
– Improved UI performance
– Better support for Adobe CC 2021
Get MixColors, Photoshop color mixer

Install, remove and manage Adobe extensions with Anastasiy's Extension Manager
10/20/20 Adobe Creative Cloud
- Free Anastasiy’s Extension Manager 3.5 is up! Recommended by Adobe for CC 2021. What's new:
- Improved compatibility with latest Adobe Creative Cloud 2021
- Now displays progress when downloading extension updates
- Supports redirects when downloading extension updates
- Better overall update support on all CC versions
- Improved error display when Creative Cloud Desktop needs to be reinstalled
- Security fixes
- All made by your feedback! Please keep it coming --Anastasiy

Install, remove and manage Adobe extensions with Anastasiy's Extension Manager
08/18/20 Photoshop CC 2020 support Adobe Creative Cloud Photoshop CS6 Photoshop CS6 Photoshop CS5 Photoshop CS4 Photoshop CS3
MagicSquire 4.2: New features, moving popup under cursor improved, more!
- Revamped right-click menu:
+ Duplicate Tool Preset - duplicates current selected tool(s)
+ New Eraser with same shape - creates eraser(s) from currently selected tool(s)
+ Duplicate Group (also works on right-click on the group's title)
NEW! Option to auto-close HUD immediately after choosing brush
- Duplicate multiple presets with right click
- Fixes and improvements, database errors neutralized, performance boost
- Available now for Photoshop 2020, CC 2019, CC 2018, CC 2017, CC 2015, CC 2014, CS5, CS6, CC
- much more Upgrade MagicSquire — advanced professional brush tag manager
07/14/20 Photoshop CC 2020 support Adobe Creative Cloud Photoshop CS6 Photoshop CS6 Photoshop CS5 Photoshop CS4 Photoshop CS3
MagicSquire 4.0 update! One and only brush popup HUD under cursor, more!
- Improved visual performance
NEW! Load multiple .abr or .tpl files into a single group
NEW! Smart Search now gives you option to search closed groups
NEW! Unique HUD Mode! Popup MagicSquire anywhere on the screen under your cursor.
- Displayed via a keyboard shortcut (defined in Settings) & stylus/button click
- Click "HUD Mode" button on the panel
- Interactive and fully functional HUD! All MagicSquire functions work
- Sticky Mode (optional) show up on key down and hide on key up (also by stylus buttons)
- Go to MagicSquire Settings to activate Sticky mode for HUD
NEW! Sticky Brushes - completely new mode in Photoshop
- Press keyboard shortcut to activate brush and release to immediately deactivate it
- Allows you to switch to and switch back from your frequent brushes very fast
- Activate from New/Edit Brush Dialog -> Sticky
NEW! Duplicate Tool Preset by right-clicking it
NEW! Reset path to MagicSquire brushes folder to defaults (from Settings, using "Reset" button)
NEW! Number of hidden Collections is now displayed under "Collections/more..." in fly-out menu NEW! Now you can activate brushes/tools in History from hidden Collections
- much more
Upgrade MagicSquire — advanced professional brush tag manager
01/29/20 Photoshop CC 2020 support Adobe Creative Cloud Photoshop CS6 Photoshop CS6 Photoshop CS5 Photoshop CS4 Photoshop CS3 Illustrator CC Illustrator CS6 Illustrator CS5 Illustrator CS4 Illustrator CS3
New MagicPicker 7.1 HUD pops up where you move cursor, and more than 25 improvements:
NEW! Popup MagicPicker anywhere on the screen under your cursor.
- Displayed via any keyboard shortcut (defined in Settings) or stylus button click
- Works in Photoshop AND Illustrator
- Interactive and fully functional HUD! All MagicPicker functions work including Color Scheme switch, Tone Lock, color values, Color Wheel modes etc
NEW! Sticky HUD Mode (optional)
- HUD shows up on key down and hides on key up (works with stylus buttons too)
- Go to MagicPicker Settings to activate Sticky mode for HUD
- You can run HUD in Sticky mode alongside with the main panel, having access both to MagicPicker HUD
and current colors display when the HUD is hidden
NEW! Gigantic preview of the current color with ALT-clicking on the current color swatch
NEW! Color values on the wheel are now displayed in real time as you move your mouse/stylus
- So you can see what are you picking right away
NEW! New Keyboard Shortcuts to swap current color for its complementary (also Tone Lock'ed)
NEW! MagicPicker now affects Solid Fill layer when Colorize Shapes and Text is on. Also can shift hue in multiple selected colored fills if multiple layers are activated and hue on the color wheel is shifted
NEW! Ctrl- or Cmd-click HSB or RGB sliders to round to 10's
NEW! Auto-copy current color values to Clipboard. You pick a color and its values are automatically in the clipboard. Ctrl- or Cmd-click on the Copy values button to activate it
- All features available now for Photoshop and Illustrator 2020, CC 2019, CC 2018, CC 2017, CC 2015, CC 2014, CS5, CS6, CC
- much more
Upgrade MagicPicker — advanced professional Photoshop color wheel
01/14/20 MagicRefs
MagicRefs 1.3: Left/right switch between Full images,CC 2020 and more improvements:
- Now you can navigate between previous/next images in full image mode by using buttons on the toolbar, or keyboard shortcuts
- New keyboard shortcuts to switch next/previous image in full image mode
- Now MagicRefs remembers the last image selected when opening the panel again
- MagicRefs window now stays active after adding images using file system dialog
- Improved compatibility with Photoshop 2020
- more

Upgrade MagicRefs, reference image manager
01/10/20 MagicTints
MagicTints 1.3: better 2020 compatibility, UI improvements, issues fixed
- Improved compatibility with CC 2020, fixed file open dialog
- Improved UI performance
- Improved Keyboard Shortcut detection for various keyboard layouts
- Fixed problem with first brush stroke's pressure/opacity when using keyboard shortcuts

Upgrade MagicSquire, advanced Photoshop brush group manager
01/07/20 MagicSquire
MagicSquire 3.4: better 2020 support, pen pressure fixes, more improvements
– Improved Photoshop 2020 compatibility
– Improved Keyboard Shortcut detection for various keyboard layouts
– Fixed problem with first brush stroke’s pressure/opacity when using keyboard shortcuts
– Various UI fixes and improvements by your feedback!

Upgrade MagicSquire, advanced Photoshop brush group manager
11/25/19 Photoshop CC 2020 support Adobe Creative Cloud Photoshop CS6 Photoshop CS6 Photoshop CS5 Photoshop CS4 Photoshop CS3 Illustrator CC Illustrator CS6 Illustrator CS5 Illustrator CS4 Illustrator CS3
New MagicPicker 7 HUD pops up where you move cursor, and more than 25 improvements:
NEW! Popup MagicPicker anywhere on the screen under your cursor.
- Displayed via any keyboard shortcut (defined in Settings) or stylus button click
- Works in Photoshop AND Illustrator
- Interactive and fully functional HUD! All MagicPicker functions work including Color Scheme switch, Tone Lock, color values, Color Wheel modes etc
NEW! Gigantic preview of the current color with ALT-clicking on the current color swatch
NEW! Color values on the wheel are now displayed in real time as you move your mouse/stylus
- So you can see what are you picking right away
NEW! New Keyboard Shortcuts to swap current color for its complementary (also Tone Lock'ed)
NEW! MagicPicker now affects Solid Fill layer when Colorize Shapes and Text is on. Also can shift hue in multiple selected colored fills if multiple layers are activated and hue on the color wheel is shifted
NEW! Ctrl- or Cmd-click HSB or RGB sliders to round to 10's
NEW! Auto-copy current color values to Clipboard. You pick a color and its values are automatically in the clipboard. Ctrl- or Cmd-click on the Copy values button to activate it
- All features available now for Photoshop and Illustrator 2020, CC 2019, CC 2018, CC 2017, CC 2015, CC 2014, CS5, CS6, CC
- much more
Upgrade MagicPicker — advanced professional Photoshop color wheel
10/22/19 MagicTints color correction and matching
MagicTints — quickly switch any image's colors. New-gen pro Color Matching between images... that works! Adjust Mood, bring Multiple images to the same color palette. All in 1 click!

– Bring multiple images/layers to the color and aesthetics of existing image
– Switch lighting conditions or mood of any concept art, photo or texture
– Bring objects to background/matte color in 1 click
– Keep original micro-contrast, dynamic range, subtle details
– Forget LUTs. No late night tuning. Works in seconds
– Smartest color correction ever! Accuracy on subpixel level. Machine Learning core handles 8K+ resolutions
– Supports Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign, Lightroom CC, XD CC, Affinity Photo, Sketch, iOS, Windows, macOS, Android (standalone)
– Works with macOS 10.15 Catalina (older macOSes and Windows too!)
– uses MagicPicker UI engine for faster speeds

Get MagicTints – the 1-click color matching and color correction plugin
10/01/19 MagicSquire
MagicSquire 3.3 is a small service update, more!
– NEW! Right-click on the brush to quickly move it to any group, pick group by name
– NEW! Directly drag’n’drop .abr and .tpl files on the panel to load them as groups! Works only on Photoshop CC and higher
– Added new option in the menu – “Optimize brushes” that rebuilds brush database to avoid possible errors
– Fixed: In some scenarios Photoshop window deactivated after loading brushes from files
– Improved selection of newly created brushes on CS6 in various scenarios
– Improved compatibility with CC2019 in various scenarios
– Improved keyboard shortcut detection
– Improved handling of Dual Brushes when rendering strokes and creating new brushes
– In PRO Mode checkmark next to corresponding panel’s menu item is now correctly displayed when it’s active
- Issues fixed, performance improved

Upgrade MagicSquire, advanced Photoshop brush group manager
09/18/19 MagicSquire
MagicSquire 3.2 brings right-click to move brushes between groups, more!
– NEW! Right-click on the brush to quickly move it to any group, pick group by name
– NEW! Directly drag’n’drop .abr and .tpl files on the panel to load them as groups! Works only on Photoshop CC and higher
– Added new option in the menu – “Optimize brushes” that rebuilds brush database to avoid possible errors
– Fixed: In some scenarios Photoshop window deactivated after loading brushes from files
– Improved selection of newly created brushes on CS6 in various scenarios
– Improved compatibility with CC2019 in various scenarios
– Improved keyboard shortcut detection
– Improved handling of Dual Brushes when rendering strokes and creating new brushes
– In PRO Mode checkmark next to corresponding panel’s menu item is now correctly displayed when it’s active

Upgrade MagicSquire, advanced Photoshop brush group manager
07/16/19 MagicTints color correction and matching
MagicTints — quickly switch any image's colors. New-gen pro Color Matching between images... that works! Adjust Mood, bring Multiple images to the same color palette. All in 1 click!

– Bring multiple images/layers to the color and aesthetics of existing image
– Switch lighting conditions or mood of any concept art, photo or texture
– Bring objects to background/matte color in 1 click
– Keep original micro-contrast, dynamic range, subtle details
– Forget LUTs. No late night tuning. Works in seconds
– Smartest color correction ever! Accuracy on subpixel level. Machine Learning core handles 8K+ resolutions
– Supports Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign, Lightroom CC, XD CC, Affinity Photo, Sketch, iOS, Windows, macOS, Android (standalone)
– uses MagicPicker UI engine for faster speeds

Get MagicTints – the 1-click color matching and color correction plugin
03/05/19 Adobe Creative Cloud MagicSquire brush group manager Photoshop CS6 Photoshop CS6 Photoshop CS5 Photoshop CS4 Photoshop CS3
New MagicSquire 3.1 is out:
– Tags UI improvements by concept artists' feedback
– Improved brush tip rotation performance, fixed problem with available keyboard shortcuts to brushes when too many shortcuts are assigned, fixed searching for tags, capturing color, rotating brush tip, permissions with relocating data folder to Dropbox and Google Drive
– All features available now for Photoshop CS5, CS6, CC, CC2015, CC2017, CC2018, CC2019+
– more
New MagicSquire, the compact Photoshop tool organizing panel

02/27/19Adobe Creative Cloud Photoshop CS6 Photoshop CS6 Photoshop CS5 Photoshop CS4 Photoshop CS3 Illustrator CC Illustrator CS6 Illustrator CS5 Illustrator CS4 Illustrator CS3

New MagicPicker 6.4 is here:
– New UI Framework! Great performance improvement
– Invalid signature (a.k.a. “The extension could not be loaded because it was not signed correctly”) problem fixed
New MagicPicker, advanced Photoshop color wheel panel

New MagicSquire 3.0 is here:
– New UI Framework! Great performance improvement
– Also tags, Keyboard Shortcuts, Brush Group collections and much more in version 3.0!
– Invalid signature (a.k.a. “The extension could not be loaded because it was not signed correctly”) problem fixed
New MagicRefs 1.2 is here:
New MagicSquire, brush/tag manager for Photoshop

– New UI Framework! Great performance improvement
– Invalid signature (a.k.a. “The extension could not be loaded because it was not signed correctly”) problem fixed
New MagicRefs, advanced Photoshop reference image manager

MixColors 3.1:
– New UI Framework! Great performance improvement
– Invalid signature (a.k.a. “The extension could not be loaded because it was not signed correctly”) problem fixed
New MixColors, Photoshop color mixer

DiskFonts 1.2.22:
– New UI Framework! Great performance improvement
– Invalid signature (a.k.a. “The extension could not be loaded because it was not signed correctly”) problem fixed
New DiskFonts, Photoshop font viewer and manager

02/12/19 Adobe Creative Cloud MagicSquire brush group manager Photoshop CS6 Photoshop CS6 Photoshop CS5 Photoshop CS4 Photoshop CS3
New MagicSquire 3.0 is here:
– Assign tags to brushes and then filter them using Search with Instant Suggestions
- Collections allow you to combine several groups in a collection and then switch between group combinations
- Keyboard Shortcuts for individual brushes. Also keyboard shortcuts to new and old features of MagicSquire
- Rotate Brush/Tool tip (works with Clone Tool too)
- Relocate data folder and put it on Dropbox, iCloud, One Drive, Box, Google Drive
- Disable size capture for tools, switch between brushes and tools while keeping size
New MagicSquire, the compact Photoshop tool organizing panel

12/04/18 Adobe Creative Cloud MagicPicker Photoshop color wheel Photoshop CS6 Photoshop CS6 Photoshop CS5 Photoshop CS4 Photoshop CS3
Keep your reference images at your fingertips with new MagicRefs, the new panel for organizing image assets inside Adobe Photoshop! The brief list of features includes:
- NEW! Insert images from the panel back into Photoshop document - Deep integration with Photoshop
- Drag'n'drop folders - directly from Windows Explorer or Mac Finder
- Add image from web
- View all images at once in a flow with zoom
- Colored groups
- Zoom, flip and edit selected image, use eyedropper
- Animated GIF Video support! With frame-by-frame control
- Link sets of images to PSD documents
- Keep all data in the cloud of your choice
- more!
Download MagicRefs, the Photoshop image reference panel

11/06/18 Adobe Creative Cloud MagicPicker Photoshop color wheel Photoshop CS6 Photoshop CS6 Photoshop CS5 Photoshop CS4 Photoshop CS3
Keep your reference images at your fingertips with new MagicRefs, the new panel for organizing image assets inside Adobe Photoshop! The brief list of features includes:
- Deep integration with Photoshop
- Drag'n'drop folders - directly from Windows Explorer or Mac Finder
- Add image from web
- View all images at once in a flow with zoom
- Colored groups
- Zoom, flip and edit selected image, use eyedropper
- Animated GIF Video support! With frame-by-frame control
- Link sets of images to PSD documents
- Keep all data in the cloud of your choice
- more!
Download MagicRefs, the Photoshop image reference panel

09/24/18 Adobe Creative Cloud Photoshop CS6 Photoshop CS6 Photoshop CS5 Photoshop CS4 Photoshop CS3 Illustrator CC Illustrator CS6 Illustrator CS5 Illustrator CS4 Illustrator CS3

MagicPicker 6 is faster, better, mightier!
- Brings UI speedups
- Shift+Click to slightly adjust color in all Color Wheel Modes in Photoshop & Illustrator
- Better Compact Mode, more!
Upgrade MagicPicker here...

08/27/18 Adobe Creative Cloud MixColors Photoshop color mixer Photoshop CS6 Photoshop CS6 Photoshop CS5 Photoshop CS4 Photoshop CS3

Long-awaited MixColors 3.0 update is here! Bringing Smart Keyboard Shortcuts, Auto-Gradient Swatch Groups more!
- Auto-gradient between Photoshop foreground & background or between any colors! Easily get colors inbetween
- Mixing Colors in Photoshop never been easier with new Keyboard Shortcuts! More than 20 functions are assignable inside MixColors Settings
- Clear Color History
- Shift-click to mix color swatches
- Drag'n'drop inside groups and between groups is improved
- Color Sync speeded up!
- Increadibly fast UI - uses new MagicPicker framework. Faster resizing, faster redraws, very responsive
- Hide upper part of the panel with mixers and use only swatch grouping
Upgrade MixColors here...

06/12/18Adobe Creative Cloud Photoshop CS6 Photoshop CS6 Photoshop CS5 Photoshop CS4 Photoshop CS3 Illustrator CC

New MagicSquire 2.7 is here:
– 4-8x speed boost
– Magic Eraser now preserves brush size and also supports second click! When you click Magic Eraser button again it switches back to the previously selected tool
New MagicSquire, brush organizing panel for Photoshop

05/01/18Adobe Creative Cloud Photoshop CS6 Photoshop CS6 Photoshop CS5 Photoshop CS4 Photoshop CS3 Illustrator CC Illustrator CS6 Illustrator CS5 Illustrator CS4 Illustrator CS3

New MagicPicker 6.2 is here:
– Color Temperature mode improved
– Improvements to Keyboard Shortcuts, speedups!
– Blank panel/invalid signature fix on CS6 platform
New MagicPicker, advanced Photoshop color wheel panel

New MagicSquire 2.5 is here:
– Improved compatibility with recent Adobe updates
– Fixed issues with varios brush formats and .abr/.tpl files
– Blank panel/invalid signature fix on CS6 platform
New MagicSquire, brush organizing panel for Photoshop

MixColors 2.2:
– Improved compatibility with recent updates to Adobe Creative Cloud
– Blank panel/invalid signature fix on CS6 platform
New MixColors, Photoshop color mixer

DiskFonts 1.2.21:
– Speed optimizations
– Blank panel/invalid signature fix on CS6 platform
New DiskFonts, Photoshop font viewer and manager

03/12/18Adobe Creative Cloud Photoshop CS6 Photoshop CS6 Photoshop CS5 Photoshop CS4 Photoshop CS3 Illustrator CC Illustrator CS6 Illustrator CS5 Illustrator CS4 Illustrator CS3

New MagicPicker 6 introduces:
- Assign keyboard shortcuts to more than 20 new features. Directly inside MagicPicker interface
- LDT-Cube Color Picker - most natural Color Space for digital artists. Pick separately on three Light, Dark and Temperature-based color sides at the same time!
- Super clean stylish look with new PRO Mode. Hide all buttons and move UI elements out of your way! Click MagicPicker menu -> PRO Mode to toggle it.
- more!
New MagicPicker, the Illustrator and Photoshop color wheel

01/25/18Adobe Creative Cloud MagicPicker Photoshop color wheel Photoshop CS6 Photoshop CS6 Photoshop CS5 Photoshop CS4 Photoshop CS3
New MagicSquire 2.3 is here:
- Alt-click now works with tools! Use Pencil as Mixer Brush and vice versa!
- Magic Eraser: click on the new "Turn current Tool into Eraser" button to use any Brush or Tool Preset you select as an Eraser. Instantly switches to Eraser mode keeping brush shape and other parameters intact.
- With Advanced Export groups of Tool Presets can be exported, also converted to Brushes and back (depending on a target format). Easily convert between .tpl and .abr! Exports filtered results when using search
- Performance boost on Photoshop CS5/CS6!
New MagicSquire, the Photoshop brush organizer

10/24/17 Adobe Creative Cloud Photoshop CS6 Photoshop CS6 Photoshop CS5 Photoshop CS4 Photoshop CS3 Illustrator CC Illustrator CS6 Illustrator CS5 Illustrator CS4 Illustrator CS3
New MagicSquire 2.2 is here:
– New horizontal layout! First of a kind in Adobe Photoshop
- Arbitrary size of the thumbnails with scaling slider
- Support for Shapes and Tool Presets! Organize Tool Presets in groups
- Recent tool history list! Kept when you open panel and transfer files
- PRO Mode - hide new buttons and elements
- Superfast new engine rewritten from scratch - much faster UI and brush handling:
create brushes faster, load .abr files faster, faster drag'n'drop and faster
handling of very large collections (1000+ brushes)
Large .abr files (4GB+) and file collections support
New MagicSquire, the compact Photoshop tool organizing panel

MagicPicker 5.3:
- Color Temperature Wheel improved
- Improvements to Compact Mode, speedups!
- Support for recent Adobe platform updates
New MagicPicker, advanced Photoshop color wheel panel

MixColors 2.2:
- Improvements to Compact Mode, speedups!
- Support for recent Adobe platform updates
New MixColors, Photoshop color mixer

10/04/17 Adobe Creative Cloud MagicPicker Photoshop color wheel Photoshop CS6 Photoshop CS6 Photoshop CS5 Photoshop CS4 Photoshop CS3
New MagicSquire 2.0 is here:
– New horizontal layout! First of a kind in Adobe Photoshop
- Arbitrary size of the thumbnails with scaling slider
- Support for Shapes and Tool Presets! Organize Tool Presets in groups
- Recent tool history list! Kept when you open panel and transfer files
- PRO Mode - hide new buttons and elements
- Superfast new engine rewritten from scratch - much faster UI and brush handling:
create brushes faster, load .abr files faster, faster drag'n'drop and faster
handling of very large collections (1000+ brushes)
Large .abr files (4GB+) and file collections support
New MagicSquire, the compact Photoshop tool organizing panel

07/12/17 Adobe Creative Cloud MagicPicker Photoshop color wheel Photoshop CS6 Photoshop CS6 Photoshop CS5 Photoshop CS4 Photoshop CS3
New MagicSquire 1.7 is here:
– Various optimizations and speed improvements to UI & loading brushes, in many scenarios speed improved by 5x, especially on Photoshop CC 2014/2015/2017
– Loading of multiple brush (and tool presets) .ABR/.TPL files at once is now supported
– New default colors for groups!
– Fixed Compact Mode on Photoshop CC 2017.1.1 and above
– Fixed messaging
– Small bug fixes
New MagicSquire, the compact Photoshop brush organizing panel

06/13/17 Adobe Creative Cloud MagicPicker Photoshop color wheel Photoshop CS6 Photoshop CS6 Photoshop CS5 Photoshop CS4 Photoshop CS3
New MagicSquire 1.6 is here:
– Drag’n’drop and deletion of multiple brushes is now supported
– Fixed a bug connected to Photoshop’s bug with “sample data not found” message when loading .tpl files
– Fixed varios UI conflicts connected to dialogs
– Improved drag’n’drop on CS5 and CS6 for Wacom, Huion and Ugee tablets
– Improved compatibility with .tpl files
– Multiple performance improvements
- more!
New MagicSquire, the compact Photoshop brush organizing panel

03/08/17 Adobe Creative Cloud MagicPicker Photoshop color wheel Photoshop CS6 Photoshop CS6 Photoshop CS5 Photoshop CS4 Photoshop CS3
MagicSquire 1.5 is out with new list modes
– Click new button the top right for two new Brushes/Tools display modes
– Direct editing of Brush/Tool names by double-clicking them
– Now you can assign arbitrary colors to the groups
– Improved handling and displaying of Pencil presets
– Improved UI on CS5, CS5.5 and CS6
- more!
New MagicSquire, the compact Photoshop brush organizing panel

01/24/17 Adobe Creative Cloud MagicPicker Photoshop color wheel Photoshop CS6 Photoshop CS6 Photoshop CS5 Photoshop CS4 Photoshop CS3
MagicSquire is updated with new features
- Tool Presets support: add Eraser, Smudge Tool, Dodge, Burn etc. to the panel as a preset
- .TPL file support
- Compact Mode replaces right-click Brush view in Photoshop
- ALT-click on the brush to use it as a tool
- more!
New MagicSquire, the compact Photoshop brush organizing panel

10/31/16 Adobe Creative Cloud MagicPicker Photoshop color wheel Photoshop CS6 Photoshop CS6 Photoshop CS5 Photoshop CS4 Photoshop CS3
Anastasiy presents MagicSquire, the new panel for organizing brushes inside Adobe Photoshop! The brief list of features includes:
- Organizing brush presets in colored folders
- Easy rearrage of folders and brushes with drag'n'drop
- Create brushes from scratch inside the panel
- Load existing .abr files (.tpl support coming soon)
- Retina/4K/5K/8K/HiDPI rendering
- more!
Download MagicSquire, the Photoshop brush organizing panel

08/23/16 Adobe Creative Cloud MagicPicker Photoshop color wheel Photoshop CS6 Photoshop CS6 Photoshop CS5 Photoshop CS4 Photoshop CS3 Illustrator CC Illustrator CS6 Illustrator CS5 Illustrator CS4 Illustrator CS3
MagicPicker 5.1 update! Fixed and improved:
- Changing color for Fill & Stroke of Vector Shapes and Text
- Color names and YUV values on the color wheel
- Interactive Help
- Color Temperature Wheel, Tone Lock, K-Lock
- more!
Upgrade MagicPicker here...

06/29/16 Adobe Creative Cloud MagicPicker Photoshop color wheel Photoshop CS6 Photoshop CS6 Photoshop CS5 Photoshop CS4 Photoshop CS3 Illustrator CC Illustrator CS6 Illustrator CS5 Illustrator CS4 Illustrator CS3
MagicPicker 5.0 update is live! New version brings:
- Colorize Vector Shapes & Text in Adobe Photoshop
- New color spaces and color name on the corner of the color wheel
- Instant Interactive Help
- Speed ups, improvements and better support for Adobe CC2015.5 (CS3,CS4,CS5,CS6,CC as well)
- New design
- more!
Upgrade MagicPicker here...

01/27/16 Adobe Creative Cloud MixColors Photoshop color mixer Photoshop CS6 Photoshop CS6 Photoshop CS5 Photoshop CS4 Photoshop CS3
MixColors 2.0 update is here! It finally delivers intuitive Swatch Groups, adds Cloud Sync, gets next-gen color mixing formula, brings full Adobe Photoshop CC2015 support and more! Upgrade MixColors here...

03/31/15 Adobe Creative Cloud MagicPicker Photoshop color wheel Photoshop CS6 Photoshop CS6 Photoshop CS5 Photoshop CS4 Photoshop CS3 Illustrator CC Illustrator CS6 Illustrator CS5 Illustrator CS4 Illustrator CS3
MagicPicker v4.3 features increased performance with realtime 64 fps refresh rate in Photoshop CC 2014 (2015 too)*, color Schemes and keyboard interaction improvements, fixes of the small and not so small bugs. *as it was benchmarked on Intel Core i5 CPU and Intel Iris 5100 Integrated Graphics card in Photoshop CC 2014.2.2
Upgrade it here...

11/04/14 Adobe Creative Cloud MagicPicker Photoshop color wheel Photoshop CS6 Photoshop CS6 Photoshop CS5 Photoshop CS4 Photoshop CS3 Illustrator CC Illustrator CS6 Illustrator CS5 Illustrator CS4 Illustrator CS3
MagicPicker v4.0 update brings:
- full Adobe CC2014 support
- new Color Temperature Wheel
- optional BIG color swatches
- new Tone Lock 2.0
The most innovative update – MagicPicker has been rewritten from ground up to support new Adobe Platform and introduces new optimized color engine. And even more features!
Upgrade it here...

01/06/15 Adobe Creative Cloud MagicPicker Photoshop color wheel Photoshop CS6 Photoshop CS6 Photoshop CS5 Photoshop CS4 Photoshop CS3 Illustrator CC Illustrator CS6 Illustrator CS5 Illustrator CS4 Illustrator CS3
NEW UPDATE! MagicPicker v4.2 fixes an issue with color schemes on CC and lower, improves performance for a couple of scenarios on Mac and PC, improves UI performance for HiDPI and Retina displays
Upgrade it here...

12/09/14 Adobe Creative Cloud MagicPicker Photoshop color wheel Photoshop CS6 Photoshop CS6 Photoshop CS5 Photoshop CS4 Photoshop CS3 Illustrator CC Illustrator CS6 Illustrator CS5 Illustrator CS4 Illustrator CS3
MagicPicker v4.1 update improves color wheel behavior, fixes a couple of issues with tablet pressure and clicking on the color wheel. Brings new feature
Upgrade it here...

06/19/14 Adobe Creative Cloud MagicPicker Photoshop color wheel MagicPicker color wheel is updated for CC 2014! New version brings MagicPicker's special edition for Adobe Creative Cloud 2014. MagicPicker Lite supports Illustrator and Photoshop CC 2014. Big introductory discounts! Existing users get it for free.
Get it here...

06/10/14 MixColors Photoshop color mixer Photoshop CS6 Photoshop CS6 Photoshop CS5 Photoshop CS4 Photoshop CS3 MixColors is updated to v1.2! New version brings improved mixing algorithm, new UI, better CC support!
Upgrade here...

05/28/14 MagicPicker Photoshop color wheel Photoshop CS6 Photoshop CS6 Photoshop CS5 Photoshop CS4 Photoshop CS3 Illustrator CC Illustrator CS6 Illustrator CS5 Illustrator CS4 Illustrator CS3 MagicPicker is updated to v3.1! New version helps you assign keyboard shortcut to the panel from fly-out menu, faster HSB/RGB/CMYK values changing by clicking and dragging and Photoshop/Illustrator CC support improvements!
Upgrade here...

11/28/13 MagicPicker Photoshop color wheel MixColors Photoshop color mixer DiskFonts, font manager and viewer NOVEMBER 2013 BLACK FRIDAY SALE JUST STARTED MagicPicker color wheel and MixColors color mixer and DiskFonts font manager are 30-40% OFF! Be quick and get them while it lasts
Get panels with discounts...

11/22/12 MagicPicker Photoshop color wheel MixColors Photoshop color mixer DiskFonts, font manager and viewer HUGE BLACK FRIDAY AND CYBER MONDAY SALE! MagicPicker color wheel, MixColors color mixer and DiskFonts font manager are 20-30% OFF! Be quick and get it from 22 NOV 2012 until 26 NOV 2012
Get panels with discounts...

10/02/12 MagicPicker Photoshop color wheel MixColors Photoshop color mixer MagicPicker and MixColors just got better!
- Photoshop CS6 support is improved on Windows 7+
and Mac OS X 10.8+
- Calibrated monitors and color profiles support improvement
- Dramatic speed up of MixColors
- Copy HEX color with one click on MagicPicker
- Color Schemes workflow is improved in MagicPicker
- Fixed interaction with Swatches
- Bug fixes and improvements
get both panels...

08/13/12 MagicPicker Photoshop color wheelDiskFonts, font manager and viewer MixColors Photoshop color mixer You've been asking for it and here we go with the series of tutorials for all the Anastasiy's Panels. MagicPicker, MixColors and DiskFonts will be covered with the smart and thorough tips and tricks ready to use! Check it out on:
- Anastasiy's blog
- Our Facebook page
- Our Google+ page

05/07/13 MagicPicker Photoshop color wheel Photoshop CS6 Photoshop CS5 Photoshop CS4 Photoshop CS3 Illustrator CS6 Illustrator CS5 Illustrator CS4 Illustrator CS3 MAGICPICKER 3.0 is out! Panel now supports Adobe Illustrator, features box and diamond modes on color wheel (in addition to triangle), Tone Lock allows you to keep color tone while changing its hue, numeric rulers on RGB/HSB sliders, Leap Motion Controller support and oh boy! New MagicPicker is blazing FAST! More features await you...
MagicPicker 3.0 upgrade...

03/26/12 MagicPicker Photoshop color wheel Photoshop CS6 Photoshop CS5 Photoshop CS4 Photoshop CS3 MagicPicker 2.1 now out. Brings updates and interface improvements
- Now it's unique and the only Traditional Color Scheme for Photoshop!
- Photoshop CS6 Beta support
- Increased Speed
- Bug fixes, including the bug on the edges of triangle
Check MagicPicker 2.1...

11/25/11 MagicPicker Photoshop color wheelDiskFonts, font manager and viewer MixColors Photoshop color mixer Black Friday and Cyber Monday DISCOUNTS on all panels: MixColors color mixer and MagicPicker color wheel are only $11, DiskFonts font manager only $19! Be quick and get them fast! The discount lasts only for a limited time.

09/27/11 MagicPicker Photoshop color wheelDiskFonts, font manager and viewer MixColors Photoshop color mixer Español Spanish version of site is out! Photoshop Color Wheel, DiskFonts font manager and viewer, MixColors color mixer en Español:
Adobe Creative Suite Paneles, Rueda de Colores en Español
MagicPicker, Rueda de Colores de Photoshop
Características de MagicPicker, Rueda de Colores Panel
MixColors, mezclador de colores
Características de MixColors Panel
Ventajas seleccionadas para Photoshop CS5/CS5.1 de MagicPicker
DiskFonts, visor y gestor de fuentes de disco duro
Características de DiskFonts Panel

07/12/11 Photoshop CS5 Photoshop CS4 Photoshop CS3 The new panel dedicated to artists – companion to legendary MagicPicker – is coming very soon! Will support Photoshop CS3, CS4, CS5, CS5.1. Stay tuned...

05/26/11 MagicPicker Photoshop color wheel Photoshop CS5 Photoshop CS4 Photoshop CS3 MagicPicker 2.0 is officially out! Switchable Color Schemes: Mono, Complement, Triad, Tetrad, Analogic, Accented Analogic with easy switching! Attach other panels to MagicPicker and use them together in Compact Mode. Much FASTER in CS3, CS4, CS5 and CS5.1. Returns back keyboard focus to Photoshop CS5, revolutionary changes in Photoshop CS3 support, eyedropper feedback for all Photoshop CS4, better Photoshop CS5.5 support and much more!
MagicPicker 2.0 upgrade...

04/26/11 MagicPicker Photoshop color wheel Anastasiy is one of the proud sponsors of "Human Nature" – IT'S ART magazine worldwide digital Human Nature - Digital Arts Competition by IT'S ART magazine arts competition that features MagicPicker color wheel as one of the 1st place prizes. All prizes' value is more than $35000. Hurry up! The winner takes it all and the competition lasts until August 31th. Everybody's invited!
Detailed info on the event

01/21/11 MagicPicker Photoshop color wheelDiskFonts, font manager and viewer German version of site is out! Photoshop Color Wheel, DiskFonts font manager and viewer en Deutch:
Adobe Creative Suite Panels en Deutch
MagicPicker, Photoshop Farbrad
Funktionen des MagicPicker Panel
DiskFonts, Schriftvorschau von allen auf der Festplatte vorhandenen Schriften
Funktionen des DiskFonts Panel

08/17/10 Craig Mullins just acquired my MagicPicker Photoshop color wheel!. Craig Mullins is a legendary digital artist and matte painter since 1990s! He made matte paintings for such movies as Forrest Gump and Matrix! (IMDb info). I was inspired by Craig's art since 2000's. And I'm happy to make even a small contribution to his work flow.
08/11/10 Photoshop CS5 Illustrator CS5 InDesign CS5 Flash Pro CS5 Dreamweaver CS5 Fireworks CS5 Premiere Pro CS5 Limited time DISCOUNT 30%, on DiskFonts font viewer, for all, who bought MagicPicker Photoshop color wheel. Click here to get your 30% discount.

08/03/10 Photoshop CS5 Illustrator CS5 InDesign CS5 Flash Pro CS5 Dreamweaver CS5 Fireworks CS5 Premiere Pro CS5 Chris Page, the credited animator of the recent The Sorcerer's Apprentice movie with Nicolas Cage posted many cool words about DiskFonts font viewer. How it helps him to trim the system clutter and navigate through collections of fonts inside Adobe Creative Suite...

08/02/10 The interest is increasing to the MagicPicker Photoshop color wheel panel for digital artists from all over the world! People come and download the panel from so many countries! Here are some changed stats since I checked it.
Who goes first this time?

07/23/10 Photoshop CS5 Illustrator CS5 InDesign CS5 Flash Pro CS5 Dreamweaver CS5 Fireworks CS5 Premiere Pro CS5 DiskFonts, font viewer for Adobe Creative Suite updated to version 1.1. Now it supports Macintosh (x32 & x64)!!, and can filter several fonts from the list.
As usual, works in Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign, Flash Pro, Dreamweaver, Fireworks and Premiere.

07/20/10 MagicPicker Color Wheel / color picker for Photoshop CS3, CS4, CS5 is updated to version 1.2! Color wheel improvement, speed improvements and fixes for Japanese and other international users. Fixed small issue when exchanging colors with "X" keyboard shortcut.
07/08/10 Photoshop CS5 Illustrator CS5 InDesign CS5 Flash Pro CS5 Dreamweaver CS5 Fireworks CS5 Premiere Pro CS5 NEW PANEL! DiskFonts for Adobe Creative Suite previews fonts from hard disk inside Adobe Suite. Supports Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign, Flash Pro, Dreamweaver, Fireworks and Premiere.

07/04/10 Photoshop CS5 Illustrator CS5 InDesign CS5 Flash Pro CS5 Dreamweaver CS5 Fireworks CS5 Premiere Pro CS5 New panel dedicated to designers is coming this week! Will support Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign, Flash Pro, Fireworks and Premiere. Stay tuned!

06/09/10 FREE ColorPicker trial Photoshop panel is updated.

06/07/10 The deep review with videos of MagicPicker Color Wheel panel in the famous German blog dedicated to Photoshop and Lightroom. (In German, of course).

05/24/10 Check out the new step-by-step eMag from M2 Media about new Photoshop Paint CS5 Tools! It features amazing John Derry's Brushes for artists and my MagicPicker Photoshop Panel! New features of the panels explained.

05/04/10 John Nack writes about MagicPicker Color Wheel in Adobe Blogs.

04/22/10 MagicPicker LIVE demonstration
MagicPicker Photoshop color wheel advanced panel will be demonstrated in real time in Cologne, Germany by Olaf Giermann on biggest Germany Photoshop event this weekend. Don't miss TION in Cologne http://www.tion2010.de/

04/12/10 NEW! MagicPicker 1.1 supports CS5
- MagicPicker officially supports Adobe Photoshop CS5 (when it will come out)

04/09/10 NEW! MagicPicker 1.1 update
- Profile-calibrated colors
- Compact Mode, Speed-ups, Fixes
- more
Update is free for all who bought MagicPicker 1.0

03/24/10 Follow the news about new Photoshop plugins and panels on Twitter! Color Wheel, Retouching...what's coming next?
Follow Photoshop Panels news on TWITTER!

02/25/10 I receive an increasing interest to the MagicPicker panel for Photoshop digital artists from all over the world! People come and download the panel from so many countries! Here are some unexpected stats.
Who goes first?

01/20/10 ColorPicker has grown up to v1.5
NEW! MagicPicker panel
- Color wheel
- bug fixes
- more
05/05/09 Updated colorpicker up to v1.4:
- An ability to hide numerical boxes via HIDE button
- Bug fixes

04/25/09 Added PayPal as a donation method

04/21/09 ColorPicker has grown up to v1.3:
- Photoshop feedback
- speed improvements
- bug fixes
read more

04/14/09 Redesigned my home site.

01/12/09 ColorPicker update.
version 1.2

12/08/08 My photography show has started in Cleveland, OH

11/17/08 FastFiles Vista: New 1.07-SR1 (beta) version supports Locate32
version 1.07-SR1
New panels for digital painters, use in photography, concept artists, matte painters, vfx artists and comic artists:

new! MagicPicker 9.1 Color Wheel panel

for Adobe Illustrator & Photoshop 2023/2022/2021/2020/CC2019/CC2018/CC2017/2015/2014/CC/CS6/CS5.5/CS5/CS4/CS3/MAC/PC — sequel to the legendary ColorPicker (110,133 downloads!!!).
Download MagicPicker & ColorPicker Illustrator & Photoshop Color Wheel panels.
new! MagicTints 3.3 — 1-click Color Matching and LUT export
Download MagicTints color matcher
new! MagicRefs 2.2 — life is easy with reference images in Photoshop
Download MagicRefs advanced Reference Image manager
new! MagicSquire 7.1 — your brush organizing agent in Photoshop
Download MagicSquire brush group organizer
new! MixColors 5.2 — physically accurate color mixer inside Photoshop. Download MixColors color mixer
DiskFonts 1.2.21 — hard disk font manager and viewer for Adobe Creative Suite CS5, CS4, CS3 progs.
Download DiskFonts font manager and viewer