"MagicPicker is a seriously a great tool, floating palette, shoulda been there from the beginning."
John Wallin Liberto / Well-known artist on Gears of War, Harry Potter, AVP, Big Fish

"...couldn't work without it [MagicPicker]" >>>
Dermot Power / Concept artist on "Batman Begins", "V for Vendetta", "John Carter"

"Great color picker!"
Mark Behm / Well-known concept artist and teacher

"Thank you so much Anastasiy!"
Seungjin Woo / Concept artist on Dune, Blade Runner 2049

"Guys, you do fantastic work with this, I've been using it for a few years now and love it, well done (-:" >>>
Scott Purdy / Artist on Warhammer

"you are awesome."
Jordan Walker / Epic Games

"The Magicpicker Photoshop panel finds daily use in my workflow" >>>
John Derry / Original Corel Painter's Wheel creator

"you really give photoshop that painters' ‘something’ it was missing!"
Kim Taylor / VFX artist on Great Gatsby and The Lego Movie

"Many artists use it [MagicPicker] and I can tell you: You will improve your eye for color and all those little “hidden” variations in hue and brightness." >>>
David Schmelling / Digital Artist, Illustrator

"Photoshop's color picking tools have always been way too clunky for me and this is exactly what I've been looking for!"
Kelsey McGilvrey / Artist and Illustrator

"I honestly don’t know where I’d be without MagicPicker, I use it daily in my opinion it is a massive upgrade to Photoshops standard offering and speeds up my design process greatly."
Shaun Preece / Freelance graphic designer & Illustrator

"MagicPicker’s traditional color wheel shows the correct relationships between colors." >>>
Liz Liu / Digital Artist, Sculptor, 3D Animator

"I'm pleased to have seen this color selection design reused in subsequent art and design applications. Your contribution to PS users is certainly appreciated."
John Derry / Original Corel Painter's Wheel creator

"I can't believe how much use I've gotten out of it [MagicPicker], nor how many paintings I've enjoyed using it for.." >>>
Nasan Hardcastle / Digital Artist

"Flash does open a lot of doors, however, and Anastasiy's panel is a great example of that." >>>
John Nack / Adobe/Google (Former Principal Product Manager)

"Anastasiy has created a ... panel form of the picker ... Very cool!" >>>
John Nack / Adobe/Google (Former Principal Product Manager)

—Alex Broeckel, the famous artist on Harry Potter and Oliver Twist / Alex Broeckel

"Artist 'friendly' color picking...Keep up the great work!!"
Craig Shoji, the famous concept artist on Alice and Avatar / Pensketch.com

"...it's a real godsend...."
John Crowcroft / 2d and 3d artist

"Magic Picker is the single most useful extension for digital painting in Photoshop. It provides exactly the functionality that I have longed for so many years. It makes me happy every time I'm using it. No kidding!"
—Daniel Lieske / Author and illustrator of The Wormworld Saga

"Our in-house design team swear by Anastasiy’s products, keep doing what you’re doing guys!"
—Paul Hornblow / Watches of Whales

"Photoshop is now 100% quicker - well for choosing colours :)"
Chris Page / Credited animator of The Sorcerer's Apprentice

"...magic picker is a must-have tool for digital painters who use photoshop..."
Liu Yang / Concept artist

"...MagicPicker ... ermoglicht es, permanent ein Farbaus-wahlfenster mit umfangreichen Einstellungs-moglichkeiten zu offnen, um schneller die passende Farbe aufnehmen zu konnen. Find ich gut so." >>>
Christian Hayungs / German artist and illustrator

"...God bless you :)..."
—박광라 / Korean artist

"[MagicPicker] прекрасен, ....очень не хватало его в иллюстраторе!"
Олег (cmart) Пащенко / Well-known Russian artist and designer

"...настолько становится родным и неотъемлемым это приложение [MagicPicker], что ты просто и подумать не можешь, что фотошоп может работать без ЭТОГО...заходишь в ФШ другого человека и не видишь его, то думаешь "...как он вообще может работать в таких условиях?""
—Yana Evans / Russian artist

MagicPicker Photoshop color wheel and ColorPicker are featured many times in Adobe Blogs by John Nack: 0, 1, 2, 3

See also what other artists say in different languages:
Alex Broeckel

John Derry, the original color wheel creator

Thomas Amador,

Farbrad, in Deutsch

Rueda de colores, en Español

カラーホイール, 日本語で

More than 110133 downloads of free ColorPicker!
Download ColorPicker and MagicPicker Photoshop color wheel panels for Adobe Photoshop/Illustrator CS3, CS4, CS5, CS6, CC, CC2014/2015

"...works much better than [Photoshop's] match color! Haha, nice work"
Craig Shoji, the famous concept artist on Alice and Avatar / Pensketch.com

—Alex Dukal, well-known, very inspiring illustrator / Alex Dukal Art

"The MagicTints extension...does that thing very well." >>>
—Ron Bilodeau / InDesignSecrets, the world's #1 resource for all things InDesign

"[MagicTints] kind of blowing my mind...it's absolutely perfect for matching elements from different photos that you're photobashing, or doing an initial grade on a 3D render."
—Reid Southen / concept artist on Matrix 4, Transformers, Independence Day

"I love the idea... What I like about your software [MagicSquire] is the ability to deal with the very clumsy ABR problem"
—Craig Mullins, American digital painter, and leading international concept artist / Goodbrush

"[MagicSquire]... more superior to the folder systems of CC18!"
—Karla Ortiz, concept artist on Black Panther and Doctor Strange / Karla Ortiz

"MagicSquire, made the impossible possible, helped me organize all of my brush collections into a sleek, fast extension!"
—Karla Ortiz, concept artist on Black Panther and Doctor Strange / Karla Ortiz

"Damm! This looks awesome."
—Alex Dukal, well-known, very inspiring illustrator / Alex Dukal Art

"...If you happen to have thousands of fonts like I do you don't want to be copying them all over and clogging up the fonts folder on your machine... DiskFonts font viewer that can over come this font headache..."
Chris Page / Credited animator of The Sorcerer's Apprentice

"...a must-have for every serious media-guy..."
Olaf Giermann / Awarded digital professional and trainer

"The DiskFonts panel ... offers a simple way to ... see it previewed in all the fonts on disk (not just those installed) on your system." >>>
John Nack / Adobe/Google (Former Principal Product Manager)

"@mikeshoaf Plugin to view uninstalled fonts from w/in CS5 apps... This might justify my upgrade to CS5. " >>>
Mike Shoaf / Professional Illustrator

"I have been looking for years for such a plugin like DiskFonts !"
—Julien Wittmer / Snippy Image

"Anastasiy. Wanted to let you know that I think your product DiskFonts is a nice piece of work..."
—Joel Mellon / ECI Resources Corp

Download DiskFonts font viewer for Adobe Creative Suite CS3, CS4, CS5+ (Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign, Dreamweaver, Flash, Fireworks, Premiere - compatible)

"[MixColors] has the power to give this ability [to paint freely] to the digital artist who has a traditional painting background"
—Joe DiCesare, matte painter / DreamWorks

"...it feels really good. I love it together with the MagicPicker..." >>>
—Geir Opdal / Artist, craftsman, photographer

"New color-mixing panel arrives in Photoshop" >>>
—John Nack / Former Photoshop Principal Product Manager

"it’s one of the best extensions for Photoshop I’ve come across having come from a traditional painting background "
—Simon Thorpe / Digital Illustrator

Download MixColors color mixer for Adobe Photoshop